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About Firma

One company with comprehensive solutions

Firma history

Launch (2010)

We start in 2010 with power and passion to start, and the beginning was based on trust and respectful exchange with Egyptian clients and foreign suppliers. We began to take a strong and stable steps and penetrate the Egyptian market with a different thought and style.

The work is still continuing with the same strength and enthusiasm to this day and the development is always taking place at frequent intervals.

The company has experience from 2004 and this was the beginning of Firma’s experience till 2010, which was the beginning of the entity’s existence.

Participation in a Global & Local events (2014)

We are attending and participating in many different events like (CPHL Worldwide, Pharmaconex, Food Africa, Pharmaback, and Achema), and the staff also had a role in this and they travelled also abroad to participate and attend these events.

Huge Projects (2015)

Firma has become number 1 of the Egyptian market in the supply of vet and human Raw materials (active & inactive), and we had a great role in eliminating the Virus C that was considered the NO.1 epidemic in Egypt at that time, and we were able with our skills & our foreign relations to supply medicines and raw materials to eliminate this Virus.

Turnkey projects (2017)

Firma was the beginning and starting point for the Egyptian Medicine City project (the great edifice) that came to light in 2021. And the beginning of work on the Egyptian medicine city project and the supply of raw materials for National Security also.

Expansion into more fields (2019)

The company was expanded and divided into a group of companies and we became a group (Firma group) that includes 7 companies, including logistics, engineering companies and more. We didn’t stop to this extent, we entered the field of pharmaceutical industries and we have companies in the manufacture of medicine.

Now (2021)

National achievements and projects are still continuing and expanding. The raw materials have been supplies to the city of medicine with double strength.

And now we represent more than the half of pharmaceutical & vet Egyptian market with sole foreign agents.


We have become more than 7 companies, each company consists of a huge work team, the main goal is to work in all fields related to the pharmaceutical industry


We started manufacturing medicine and we are continuing to work on our excellence and our entry into all fields of medicine manufacturing

Firma Corp .

Firma's ultimate goal is to cover all pharmaceutical requirements in the hands of all our clients to improve health standards worldwide and to create successful and long lasting relationships with our suppliers & clients based on trust

Firma seek to be the leader for all pharmaceutical supply in the Egyptian market

Take advantage of the experiential-learning opportunities built into many programs. You can work in labs on and off

Industry to supply

The work in Firma is based on courage and readiness to communicate on behalf of client in crisis.
Professional quality of services provide by a highly motivated team.

Excellent efforts to provide the clients’ special needs in order to find unique offers.
Continuous search for better opportunities beyond the agreed communications and business objectives.

Strict commitment to the ethical principles of public relations.
Offering a desired levels of delivered service and quality at lowest possible price with a good facilities and different payment terms.
Providing shipping services from all countries to Egypt by affordable possible prices and fastest shipping.

Our brands